Bogen SCR25A Call-In Module for SBA225

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Bogen SCR25A Call-In Module for SBA225

Part Number: SCR25A
Manufacturer: Bogen
UPC Number: 765368430172

Bogen  SCR25A Call-In Module for SBA225
Call-In Module for SBA225

The Bogen Model SCR25A Call-In Module is an annunciator latching control bank designed for use with room
selector panels in Bogen Multi-Graphic systems.CR25A provides 25 silicon controlled rectifiers (SCR)
and permits the use of momentary switches without SCRs.
The silicon controlled rectifiers provide annunciator latching, keeping the appropriate LED annunciator lamp on
the room selector panel illuminated until the call is acknowledged

Provides annunciator latching control
Simple plug-in method
25 annunciator circuit capacity
Operating mode set with jumpers
Termination via centerline pins (use Bogen
25-Series Connector Kit)
Support brackets included

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