RCI Rutherford Controls QS1-12 12VDC Delayed Egress System - Auto Relock
Part Number: QS1-12 |
Manufacturer: RCI Rutherford Controls |
UPC Number: QS1-12 |
RCI Rutherford Controls QS1-12
12VDC Delayed Egress System - Auto Relock
This system provides security for emergency exit doors whilemaintaining life safety. For assistance to add access features likekey switches, card readers or key pads simply contact our CustomerService Department. The door will unlock immediately in the eventof fire; Because the electromagnetic lock is tied to the fire alarmpanel, egress is enabled by depressing the mechanical exit device.An authorized user may override the alarm and unlock the door byturning the keyswitch. Turning the keyswitch in the oppositedirection will reset the system so that the door may bere-locked.

12VDC Delayed Egress System - Auto Relock
This system provides security for emergency exit doors whilemaintaining life safety. For assistance to add access features likekey switches, card readers or key pads simply contact our CustomerService Department. The door will unlock immediately in the eventof fire; Because the electromagnetic lock is tied to the fire alarmpanel, egress is enabled by depressing the mechanical exit device.An authorized user may override the alarm and unlock the door byturning the keyswitch. Turning the keyswitch in the oppositedirection will reset the system so that the door may bere-locked.